Page name: Voice clips [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-12 01:15:54
Last author: Sunrose
Owner: Patri
# of watchers: 33
D20: 16
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The long awaited voice clips wiki was finally created.
Don't expect to listen to great thoughts here, but who knows?
Maybe a new Socrates might show up... :-P

In cooperation with Vocal clips: Elftowners singing!

Voice clips list, in alphabetical order of username:

[All_Most PUNK]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/Separador.mp3>
From an old radio demo: Me and Fran UPMA talking. I'm the one who says "Tenemos el llamado de un oyente". There's no point in trying to explain the joke.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/AyPeroQueLindoLugar.wav>
PUNK playing the part of a woman in a radio play: "Hola, ¿Como están? Ay, pero que lindo lugar que tienen" ("Hello, how are you? Oh, but what a nice place you have").

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/NonononoQuerida.wav>
Same radio play as before: "Ah, no, no, no, no, no, querida. Vos sabes muy bien... vos sabes muy bien que esa cancha es de las tres familias, así que no me vengas a reclamar nada" ("Ah, no, no, no, no, dear. You know very well... you know very well that that court belongs to the three families, so don't come here demanding anything"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/What_is_a_door_anyway.mp3>
Something I was asked to record. The phrase. The several intonations and such are all my creation and weren't required.
I misspronounced "jar" every time. For some reason, I pronounced it in spanish :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [All_Most PUNK]: <URL:stuff/Punkpseudodutch.mp3>
Me talking pseudo-dutch. Nothing to add.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/bishbishbish.wav>
Saved by [font]: She really thinks I'm a Bitch

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/laughattack.wav>
Saved by [font]: She laughs... a lot.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/lateralwayslater.wav>
Saved by [font]: She was demanding something.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/cleancookdrive.wav>
Saved by [font]: Clean, cook, drive me about (thief).

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/youknowthatiknow.wav>
Saved by [font]: You know I know you know... huh?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [ally]: <URL:stuff/allyzombie.wav>
Saved by [font]: The mother-language.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Cia_mar]: <URL:stuff/ciashello.wav>
Saved by yours truely! a bit corny but oh


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [djxmonster]: <URL:stuff/djxmonsterEatMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I forget what was going on, but it sounds kinky.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [djxmonster]: <URL:stuff/djxmonsterOreos.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Oreos :)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Dory]: <URL:stuff/DoryCabertoss.wav>


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Fonthihihihi.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: hihihihi :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Fontlaugh.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose] :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontSsssh!.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Ssssh!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]:  <URL:stuff/FontThoughtWrong.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Thought you couldn't save any' *grins*

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontAreYaAngry.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: xDxD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontOfCourseItIs.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Of course it is...'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontOhYeah.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Oooh yeah!'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontEhm.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'To clean, cook, drive me about' x)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontLiar.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Uu'r a liaaar'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontWillTalkToHim.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'I'll talk to him'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontAntiSocial.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'He's a very anti-social little critter'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/PixieHeliumFM.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: He thinks I sound like I ate helium.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/notcrap.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "I'm not crap, I'm eccentric"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/Font_Pirate.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Pirate!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontKilledComputer.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Oh (De Bass?) I think you killed my computer."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontMakingCrapUp.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontIsTaller.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I'm ten times taller than you, and a lot older" (talking to Dave)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontIgnoringMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Are you ignoring me?"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font]: <URL:stuff/FontRiddle.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Now you see, you've told me a little riddle that I don't understand"

[font] and [Isilando]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoLaffLikeAMan.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Alan laffs like a man.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoPowersniff.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: The word is 'parsnip'. This is where 'powersniff' came from ;)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [font] and [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/FontIsilandoPinkBras.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I just put all of these together :/ We must have typed in between or I am missing some clips :) It is still funny :D

[font] and [Sunrose]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [font]: <URL:stuff/FontSunroseBOAT.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Debby is Alan's boat :3


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Hermelin]: <URL:stuff/HermelinHallo.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Tor says hallo ^_^


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [iippo]:
The iippo way of saying "gured".

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [iippo]:
Hard core street cred stuff. "The water in Majorca doesn't taste like what it ought to."


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoPeggyBabcock.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [Isilando] doing an English tonguetwister called 'Peggy Babcock' =)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isilando_snails.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [Isilando] doing a Hebrew tonguetwister xD
  * Shula shola shablulim bashlulit. Col shablul asher Shula shola hoo shela. Shela col shablul asher Shula shola bashlulit shebah Shula shola shablulim.
  * Shula is picking snails in the pond. Every snail which Shula picks is hers. Hers is every snail which Shula picks in the pond in which Shula picks snails.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isiwillcomplain-funnyvoice.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: "I will complain Patri. I will..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/deepvoice.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: "Deep voice".

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoCockroach.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "Curly haired cockroach?"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoBackandDangerous.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: "Back and Dangerous..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoTheyMustDie.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "All cockroaches and all mosquitos must die"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoUnknownPerson.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Hallo Unknown Person

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoJamesBond.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: James Bond

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoLikeLegolas.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I sound like Legolas, only a bit"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoAboutJesus.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "I don't really know any Jesus line in English...dammit..." *bad language* :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoJesusLovesYou.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Jesus loves you...but...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoTeddy.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "teddy" not "deady"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoCount.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: bad language I thought he said "count"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoNobodyLovesMe.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Probably told him to go to bed?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoHallucination.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Some people actually like to use my blood as a hallucination substance..."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/IsilandoAlanWhitepants.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Alan Whitepants

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Isilandoazazaza.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: haha :p Tongue tied!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/goodbloodgroovy.wav>
Saved by [Shreya]: omg groovyblood!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/clear.wav>
Saved by [Shreya]: Oh, he doesn't know what he's saying.

[Isilando] and [Patri]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando] and [Patri]: <URL:stuff/PatriLoversomgDNA.wav>
Saved by [Isilando]: "He has your DNA and your germs all over him, all over..." "That's disgusting... Give me my DNA back".

[Isilando] and [pixish]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Isilando] and [pixish]: <URL:stuff/IsiPixBananas.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Pixie smells bananas and Isi thinks about using them anally.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayHellooooow.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Hellooooow'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItaySkypeMe.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Skype meeeej' Haha adorable :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayHmmmHahahahaaa.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Hmmm Hahahahahaaaa...'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayOmgOmg.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Omgomg there I go silly again' xD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Ittai]: <URL:stuff/ItayGroovy.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Groovy'

[Jitter] and [Triola]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/triotriotriodigdigdig.wma>
Making Diglett-sounds at [Sunrose]'s request.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Jitter]: <URL:stuff/Hola.wav>
The answer to a diglett-sound request by [Triola].
<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/tihi-voiceclip.wma>
Answer to the previous voice clip.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Jitter]: <URL:stuff/myiqislowerthanyours.wav>
Answer to the previous, and finally some diglett-sounds!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Triola]: <URL:stuff/imalwaysright.wma>
Mention of Tri and slappage.


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaSheep.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Barnyard animals! a duet with [Sunrose] ;)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaNissan.wav>
Saved by [Levoton]: Brain-twister for Finns: "I was in my Nissan in my dreams."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/KeyshikaVesihiisi.wav>
Saved by [Levoton]: And a tongue-twister for all. Something to the likes of "A water devil hissed in an elevator."

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]:
Saved by Keys: "epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän"
Excuse me if I typoed. :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Levoton]: <URL:stuff/salakavala.mp3>
11:00:23 iippo: Keyshika! Record another tongue twister: Sakaalin kamala salakavala palava pallosalama.
11:24:11 Slavork: what does that mean? :P
11:40:26 iippo: "The horrible secret burning lightning bolt of a jackal" or something to that effect :P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Linderel]: <URL:stuff/LamiMeww.wav>
Saved by [pixish] and [Linderel]: Lami mew!


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknightstront.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Santiago says a Dutch word for shit, 'stront' =P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknightdude.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'Dude, yo dude' I don't remember why he said that, I believe it was about his accent :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTooDrunk.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: He was drunk, and thirsty :)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightDracula.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Dracula :D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSnorlax.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: That word is mine!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightLikesBatman.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Liking Batman in a sexy way? :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightGiggle.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: *giggle*

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTalkLaughing.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Talking and laughing don't mix well :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTasty.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Plum!?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSerious1.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose]: must be ill :o

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Moonknight_yawn.wav>
Saved by [Teufelsweib]: *whistles innocently* ^_^;

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightMTVonpaska.wav>
Saved by [Linderel]: Hummm. <_<

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightConfused.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Confusing conversation!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightBattleStarGallacticaIsPoop.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Battlestar Gallactica is Poop!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightDrinksBlood.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: I want to drink your blood :O

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightTooComplicated.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: It's all too complicated, dot wav dot this dot that..

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightBaTManBaDMan.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Batman or bad man??

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightIRStupid.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: IR Stupid

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightNoComment.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: No comments on that one.. :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightAttractiveBatMan.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Batman is much more attractive than Mike Tyson, but not in a weird way xD

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightMikeTyson.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Woman should like Batman, but not Mike Tyson :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonknightSuperheroCape.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: He is a superhero and he has a cape, you know ;)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Patri]: <URL:stuff/BeerNo.wav>
Saved by [Patri]: To [Viking]: "Vikingo, no me gusta la cerveza" (Viking, I don't like beer) :-P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/Pixiegnite.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Speaks for itself :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixieBastards.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: Bastards....bastards!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixieHeTalkCute.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: 'He talk cute..'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/Voice_Clips_pixie_azazazazaza.wav>
Saved by [Isilando]: That came after a lot of similar ones from me >:D

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/nixie_goestochurch.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I recorded this for someone who wanted to hear me talking ^_^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/PixHappyBirthday.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose] ^_______^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [pixish]: <URL:stuff/pixie%20shimmer%20jooz.wav>
Saved by [Moonknight]: 'Joooz! delicious mixed froot!' heheheh


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Teufelsweib]: <URL:stuff/Allison_piew.wav>
Saved by Vork: something I send to people when they are listening to music too hard, this'll make them deaf >:P (though it's not on full volume here ;) )

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Teufelsweib]: <URL:stuff/elizungud.wav>
Saved by [Moonknight]: This is Elizun greeting me with her everyday normal greeting :)


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [spincrus]: <URL:stuff/SpincrusInTheMood.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [spincrus] getting in the mood xP


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseNaughtyThings.wav>
Saved and edited by [djxmonster]: 'What naughty things are you up to'

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseBastards.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: Bastards!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseWTF.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: The Australians are like...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseTouchingYou.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: omg!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseStayTuned.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: xD Sex with him too? :o (I uploaded the wrong one!)

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseIsiPressups.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "Wow, Isi can do a lot of pressups" :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseAlanRiddle.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I'm pretty sure this was in response to [font]'s *Riddle* clip

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunroseFarmyard.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Animal noises!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunStopWatchingMySmilies.WAV>
Saved by [Sunrose] (a year ago): [Anomynous] was paying too much attention to them!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/Sunny_GhwanCarloos.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: [All_Most PUNK] wanted to hear me say Juan Carlos..

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunWTF.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
What the fuck did there happen there???!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunYouSoundedLikeWhat.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
You sounded like you were p..???? :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunInsultingMyAccent.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
Are you insulting my accent?

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose]: <URL:stuff/SunExcitedMicrophone.wav>
Talking to [Moonknight]:
That microphone looks very excited..

[Sunrose] and [Moonknight]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Debby%20Blarabam.mp3>
Saved by [Moonknight]: I challenged her to say something cool, but it just sounded like she was chocking on something, hehehe

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/Debby%20Plablax.mp3>
Saved by [Moonknight]: testing Debby's vocal skills. To a cool word of my own invention. At first she didn't get it right,
but after she did it masterfully :P

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [Moonknight]: <URL:stuff/MoonSunDutch.mp3>
Saved by [Sunrose], edited by [Moonknight]: Say something in Dutch...

[Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/SunTrueuhhuh.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I think he was eating ice cream at the time?!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [Sunrose] and [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/SunnTrueDutchieAccent.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: :p

[True, plain and simple]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrueFireZeMissiles.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: And the French would be like...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrieMuppetChef.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: ^^

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [True, plain and simple]: <URL:stuff/TrueFacility.wav>
Saved by [Sunrose]: True saying 'facility' in a creepy way :P


<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherDoingAlly.wav>
Saved by [pixish]: In relation to a clue for the Herald Hunt :p

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherAdvise.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Advising against clicking on an either loud, or gross voice clip, I think.

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherDrunkDrink.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: NARF

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherGremlin.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Gremlin Giggle

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherCheese.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: He LOVES Cheese!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherSmells.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: I see dead people...

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherEntireZoo.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: "It's an entire zoo!"

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherChristianSex.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: You cannot have sex with stuff!

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg> [zepher]: <URL:stuff/ZepherGreetings.mp3>
Saved by [pixish]: Microphone Fumes? :o

[Moonknight], [ally], [Shreya], [pixish], [Isilando]

<img:img/drawing/18485_1102727536.jpg>[Moonknight], [ally], [Shreya], [pixish], [Isilando]: <URL:stuff/Voice_Clips_GLABLADABLAX.mp3>
"Voice clip convention on the 9th of April, 2006 (for all the participants) (who actually, by the way, were from all the spots around the globe, on a longitude basis) (just make a walk around Earth and stop at random spots and pick up people and then make them all voice clip party). So yea, that is Santi(ago) teaching people how to say explosive, intelligent words. Being the best student in that is not something I'd be so proud of >.< (pity I am the one actually...). And we didn't beat [Sunrose]'s plablax >.< Daaamn."
Saved and compiled by [Moonknight]. Dreadful task of uploading and wiki-editing by [Isilando]. Commentary by [Isilando] as well. All right copylefted 2006.


Idea development: [Isilando] and [All_Most PUNK].
Wiki creation: [Patri].

Featured collaborator/creator: <img:stuff/star2.gif> [Sunrose] <img:stuff/star2.gif>.
Featured voice clips-"adder" (if that word exists :-P): <img:stuff/star2.gif> [pixish] <img:stuff/star2.gif>
Banner design:<img:stuff/star5.gif> [Moonknight] <img:stuff/star5.gif>

Thanks to all those who keep adding voice clips. This wiki would be quite empty without your help :-)

Username (or number or email):


2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: I can't seem to open it, what is a .wbf file? :/

2006-12-12 [Cia_mar]: i was able to open it... playing

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: hmmm... let me see if I can convert it to a different format. It was recorded on a digital camera.

2006-12-12 [Cia_mar]: it plays in real player

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: heh heh! We were having a little to much Christmas cheer. It will also play in Windows Media Player.

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Well, I did a conversion but it's an obscure one, .mswmm and I can't get it below 6mb. Darn Windows Movie Maker wouldn't allow anything smaller.

2006-12-12 [Ocean Soul]: Windows Media Player plays it just fine though :)

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: It seems to work now, but isn't there a different way than downloading it on your computer first?

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: It's asking you to download it first?! hmm, crazy. It just opens in Windows Media Player when I click on it. You were having trouble with my file for the animation contest also. Maybe your computer and my files don't like each other. ;)

2006-12-12 [Sunrose]: I can open the file with Media Player separately, though it shows very small :(
Could be the problem yes! >.<

2006-12-12 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Yes, it is a very small clip. The camera allows for longer recording at a lower resolution. There's a way to make them larger while recording but it takes up a lot of stick space. :)

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: Don't you even remotely THINK about publishing that voiceclip of mine here, you noob! :P

2006-12-14 [Sunrose]: Muahahaha XDXD
What are you willing to pay me? :p

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I don't negotiate with terrorists like you!

2006-12-14 [Sunrose]: Perfect, everyone should be allowed to enjoy the clip :P

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: Fine, fine, we can come to a conclusion. Name the price.

2006-12-14 [Sunrose]: As I said, what are you willing to pay? :P

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: I'll... I'll... don't know what to offer!

2006-12-14 [Sunrose]: *taps foot*....waitingwaiting..*mumbles [zepher]'s song*

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: I'll... offer to take of my socks and wear'em on my ears?

2006-12-14 [Sunrose]: Okay, and what else? :p

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: I'll... wear my underhead on my head and do the monkey dance? Together with the socks on my ears?

2006-12-14 [Ocean Soul]: The 'underhead' on your head.. I want to see!

2006-12-14 [spincrus]: Underwear! Wear! But underhead goes too :P

2006-12-15 [Sunrose]: Would you be wearing anything else? :P

2006-12-15 [spincrus]: That depends on the terms offered by yours truly :D

2006-12-15 [Sunrose]: Still thinking about those :p

2006-12-15 [spincrus]: Fine! I'll do ANYTHING for you not to post the voiceclip! Anything!

2006-12-15 [Sunrose]: x)

2006-12-15 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I want to SEE a video of this underwear and sock dance! Do it! Do it!! <img:stuff/zabuN-gif.gif>

2006-12-15 [spincrus]: Beware: the stuff I'll wear won't be clean pairs (ew... ew...)

2006-12-15 [Dark Side of the Moon]: All the better...

2006-12-15 [spincrus]: ew! EW!

2007-01-24 [Sunrose]: I never seem to be able to listen to any soundfile from Vork, my browser crashed this time >_<

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: I guess my soundfiles somehow hate you... O_o

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: ;_;

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: hey, don't pull that face against me! :O it's not my fault...

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: But it is! :O

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: what did I do??? :O

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: Upload them like that! :O

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: upload them like how? :O

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *dies of the stress*

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: Like you do them :P

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: ooohhh... how do I upload them then? O_O

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: Guess it's because it's a .wav file :P

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: .SSwaffen file? :O

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: If that's what turns you on :P

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: you have no idea... <img:stuff/BR-GIF.gif>

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: :P

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *steals your :P*

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: *gasps* my tongue! O____O

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: and your eyes too! :D

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: #.# wounded arghh -dies-

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *eats*

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: *gorgel*

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *roasts debby on barbeque*

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: *sizzles*

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *rips off arm*
*eats arm*

this is an awesome RP! :D

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: *drips*

Ahr :P

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: *puts barbequesauce on debby*
anyone else hungry? it's too much for me anyway... :P

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: Nice, but garlic sauce is better :P
Heh :p

2007-01-25 [Teufelsweib]: you taste better with garcil sauce? :P

2007-01-25 [Sunrose]: Yeah :P

2007-01-26 [Teufelsweib]: do you know? :P

2007-01-26 [Sunrose]: I know :P

2007-01-26 [Isilando]: She knows ; )

2007-01-26 [Teufelsweib]: ...I believe you then... :P

2007-02-15 [Moonknight]: heiii! hau iu duin? ebrithing gud? GUD?

2007-02-15 [Teufelsweib]: ;_; you just wait...

2007-04-18 [NOOOPE]: This is crazy. I was just thinking how much I would like to set something up to hear other people's voices, and.... VOILA. Like, Holy crap. *Goes to listen to familiar names*

2007-04-18 [Sunrose]: :D

2007-07-02 [Tyrana]: HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! "Yooouu're gonna eat me. Thaaaat'll be interesting."

XD I love these!!!

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: <URL:stuff/SunroseFarmyard.mp3> has to be the funniest mp3 on the list xD

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: =P

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: by the way, Triotrio ninja added our gibberish conversation :P I just set it in Alphabetical -I think I did it right >.<-

2007-09-10 [Triola]: Oooh, there was an order? I never even noticed :P

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: It's done in alphabet yea :P
I can't listen to the .wma-files ;_;

2007-09-10 [Triola]: Aww, not at all? :(

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: No :(

2007-09-10 [Triola]: But how do I save it as something else then?

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: boo. I should download them on my desktop comp and encode it to wav or something for you Sunny :(

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: I don't think you can, they have to be converted like Jitters says :(

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: ah you can try trick the machine that way too but it will probably crash it so I'll do it sometime tonight when comp is free :P

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: =P

2007-09-10 [Triola]: Hmmm, how about this? newversionclippies. Does that work?

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: Yes :D

2007-09-10 [Triola]: Hehe, wonderful :D I tried uploading them in iTunes, 'cause iTunes always converts all sorts of files :3

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: My Winamp is just freaky :p

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: yeah.. it does. And it bugs me because it takes up much space from my drives xD

2007-09-10 [iippo]: And here I was thinking "wonderful that someone uploads as wma's, 'cause they're so nice and actually open in Windows Media Player, and not in the browser window with some crapply Quick Time that takes ages to load" :P

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: Just "Save link as..."? :) *what I do*

2007-09-10 [iippo]: I don't want your crazy babble on my computer XP It could be infectious and then my computer would babble. I'll wait til it loads :P

2007-09-10 [Sunrose]: Quick Time links load pretty fast for me, I prefer those any time :)

2007-09-10 [Jitter]: I prefer to download it and listen really :) Cause I usually have music on and if I click it cuts in >.<

2007-09-22 [Sunrose]: Vocal clips, singing Elftowners! ;)

Added some old clips of myself and [Moonknight]..

And [spincrus] is going to kill me for this.. :P
Damn horny Turks XD

2007-09-22 [spincrus]: You!... You crazy bitch! What's even funnier is, you've been saving this for all this time? :D

2007-09-22 [Sunrose]: It's saved in our messages, because I sent it to you here once XD

2007-09-23 [Moonknight]: I guess I'm past the point of embarassment

2007-09-23 [Teufelsweib]: :'D

2007-09-23 [spincrus]: It's not what you think! It's NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!

2007-09-23 [Sunrose]: Liaaaar :P

2007-09-23 [Moonknight]: ok, I have to admit I laughed a little when I heard the batman one (where I explain who batman is) I had forgotten all about that one..

2007-09-23 [Teufelsweib]: I'm glad I never send voice clips around O_o

2007-09-23 [Cia_mar]: i think that this wiki is brilliant!
it is fun to say stuff for others to hear

2007-09-23 [Teufelsweib]: and to humiliate others =D xD

2007-09-24 [iippo]: And yourself :P

2007-09-24 [Cia_mar]: well that is part of the appeal...of course... adn then there are those of us who are hopelessly addicted to the attention we can get.......

2007-09-24 [Cia_mar]: i mean, that is not me of course *lookes innocently at everyone*

2007-09-24 [pixish]: *thinks you're doing a lovely job at that innocent thing* :p

2007-09-24 [Cia_mar]: :P<img:44166_1164903263.gif>

2007-09-25 [Teufelsweib]: awwwwww!!!!!! *cuddles Cia and puts her in a shoebox to keep as pet*

2007-09-25 [Jitter]: Make sure you cut holes through so she can breathe xD

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: *gasp gasp*

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: though in reality if i can fit in a shoe box, then i think i have taken this diet thing too far!!!!! lol

2007-09-26 [Teufelsweib]: oh sure! :O *gets jar with holes in it to put Cia in instead*

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: wow!!!! i get smaller by the minute... i dont think [Remos Page] will like that i have become so thin! he likes my hips!!!!

2007-09-26 [Teufelsweib]: hahahaa xD I wouldn't even want you to get any thinner actually. hips ftw! =D

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: ok... call me un educated, but what is "ftw"

2007-09-26 [Teufelsweib]: for the win =p

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: ok

well, thank you,,,, i think that it is ashame that society seems to keep pushing for women to get thinner and thinner,
it is one thing to be a healthy weight, but some of these girls are dangerously thin!

2007-09-26 [Jitter]: *plugs body image*

2007-09-26 [Cia_mar]: lol

2007-09-27 [Teufelsweib]: I know, I have an anorexic girl in my class, it's very sad =/ *is proud with her fatty*

2007-09-27 [Jitter]: *proud of her wobbly bits as well*

2007-09-27 [Cia_mar]: *is fine with the shape she is , but still wants a bit more of a healthy weight*

2007-09-28 [pixish]: I edited a photo of me last night to make me look half my size :p It looks good ;p

2007-09-28 [Teufelsweib]: if I were half my size I would be a stick I think xD

2007-09-28 [Cia_mar]: well i just took this piccy of myself this morning...<img50*0:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsCARMELLADesktopJens%20stuffdad%27s%20houselast%20day%20at%20sf%20(1).JPG>
and if i were half the size i look in it, then i think i would be too thin, not a stick, but certainly not healthy....

2007-09-28 [Triola]: You're looking like a real woman, Cia, be proud ^_^

2007-09-28 [Sunrose]: Anorexia is not necessarily about wanting to be thin. A big aspect of it is control, those who feel they have lost all control in their life except what and how much they eat. Which is why force eating only makes it worse.

2007-09-28 [Cia_mar]: thanks triola, i am proud of what i look like i just know that i still need to lose a bit more to be at a healthy weight for my height adn age... but no, i dont want to be too thin, i like hips, adn thighs, though i just want a little less of

true anorexia is alot of about control, though on the flip side of that, there is a bit of a loss of control too, any eating disorder is a problem because the disorder has taken control and not the person themselves and the less they feel like they can do anything about it, the worse it gets

2007-09-28 [Sunrose]: Of course, the body has the final say ultimately because it simply can't function properly without certain necessities. It's an illusion to think it is in your control, but a very convincing and addictive one.

2007-09-28 [Cia_mar]: very true

2007-11-06 [Easterling]: *laughs* I really liked the gladblax-thing.... (^_^)

2007-11-07 [Moonknight]: It's really no surprise why I can't get a girlfriend after you hear that isnt it?

2007-11-07 [Easterling]: What are you talking about? I heard several sweetly giggling girly voices there...

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: Santi is obsessed with his lack of girlfriend-ness.

2007-11-07 [Sunrose]: xD

2007-11-07 [Moonknight]: No I'm not.I Guess I should be happy to be unhappy then

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: Be happy to be alive and healthy and intelligent and having a house and friends and everything else along that line.
the only thing you have to change with yourself isn't your looks, your voice, the country you live in or whatever, but your attitude :) just the pessimism ;)

2007-11-07 [Moonknight]: I have friends I barely ever see, I am extremely and utterly lonely and unwanted, I hate this fucking place and I hate Argentines and this culture, it's got nothing to do with my attitude, I try to be a good person and all I get is screwed by everyone. when you learn what total solitude and nothing ever going right for you is like then you might have an idea of how I feel

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: I won't even comment on the last line but only wonder where you got the guts to tell me that I don't know how it is to stand by yourself.

it was a positive feedback, calm down now.

2007-11-07 [Motionless]: Wow. [Moonknight], that was unecessarily blunt. [Teufelsweib] was being positive. Having friends that you barely see is better than having none at all. And assuming that [Teufelsweib] does not know what it is like to have 'total solitude' (which you do not have, as per your previous statement; I have friends I barely see' <= not solitude) is somewhat unecessary don't you think? =(

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: ...thanks for putting words to it ._. *somewhat embarressed*

2007-11-07 [Sunrose]: Almost everyone bares some kind of cross with them, even those of whom you wouldn't suspect it. You can't judge that. The world doesn't have it in for you and it's not solely you who goes through crap in life.

But, wallowing in your self-pity about all the bad things that happen to you isn't going to make your life any better. It's alright to feel bad or down from time to time, but if you want changes so badly you'll have to fight for them: talking about how you don't get what you want isn't actually going to get you where you want to be.

Try to see the good things you do have in your life, because it's not 100% bad. You can in fact practice doing that, just as how your brain learned to discover negative things in everything.
Apply some relativism, it can always be worse. Your life is not over, you're not dead yet and this bad momentum isn't going to kill you.

As for attitude, you need to own up to your own actions..take responsibility. No one is always a good person, everyone just does the best they can. That doesn't mean you can't improve and learn from your life.

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: Guess what I've been trying to tell him for months x_x =/
(I don't think he'll listen to this anyway either...)

2007-11-07 [Sunrose]: That's his right, he can do with his life whatever he wants to.
But at some point people will be out of understanding and sympathy: friends and family can't function as therapists and boost your spirit constantly. They have their own worries and needs from time to time, that should get the same attention.
It's not an equal friendship/kinship/relationship.
It might actually be a good idea to get professional help..

I wish for everyone to be happy and I'm sorry to hear he feels this way about his life.
On the other hand I'm allergic to the wallowing, at some point one needs to snap out of it.

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: Wow (^_^) when I saw there were new comments in the voice clip I didn't expect this kind of wisdom...

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: [Moonknight] - no "snorlax" can't be a word you invented. It's a word in Swedish.

2007-11-08 [kay-chan]: No, it's a pokemon!

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: No, it's Swedish.

2007-11-08 [Sunrose]: It is? What does it mean? :O

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: "Snor" means snot and "lax" means salmon.
(I was going to upload a voiceclip with it, but I guess I only have privs for images... (?)... )

2007-11-08 [Sunrose]: You people have snotsalmon? That doesn't sound very edible O_o

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: ehhh well ehh no... <img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2007-11-08 [Sunrose]: Hehehe :P

2007-11-08 [Janouk]: <img100*0:> Snorlax ^___^

2007-11-08 [Easterling]: When I heard Moon saying he invented snorlax, I heard "snotsalmon", and thought "yek..! <img:stuff/daN-gif.gif>"

2007-11-09 [kay-chan]: THANK you, [Janouk]! *hugs* Yer my hero.

2007-11-09 [Janouk]: I needed to do something about this injustice ;-)

2007-11-09 [Teufelsweib]: snor in dutch means moustache and lax well.. if you write it like laks, I guess it means that you are careless-ish =p

2007-11-09 [Triola]: I am very often careless about my moustache.

2007-11-09 [Teufelsweib]: or your moustache is careless, actually Oo

2007-11-09 [Triola]: That too :P

2007-11-09 [Easterling]: So, snorlax could be a Dutch word for not being careful with one's moustache?

2007-11-09 [iippo]: But the snorlax is careful with its moustache :/ What an embarrassing faux pas from the Nintendo Corporation.

2007-11-09 [Teufelsweib]: well, not exactly :S but it sounds like it

2007-11-09 [Easterling]: Do you mean that Snorlax (the character, not the snotsalmon) really should have a moustache, just for old tradition's sake?..

2007-11-10 [Moonknight]: I guess I knew some Swedish subconsiously

2007-11-10 [Teufelsweib]: Or the pokemon-makers did ^^

2007-11-10 [Easterling]: [Moonknight] - yes, I think you did.

[Teufelsweib] - But then they would't make him to a... ehh oversized rabbit? Then he'd be a fish, wouldn't he?..

2007-11-10 [kay-chan]: He's not really an oversized specific animal... just oversized. And it can be nonsensical but mean something in another language. Just because it means something in swedish or... german... or something... means nothing about whether it's a nonsense word they made up. :P

And Snorlax was my favorite pokemon, because he did basically what I wanted to do all day.

2007-11-10 [Easterling]: Sleeping? (^_^)

2007-11-10 [iippo]: Spending time inside a small ball?

2007-11-10 [kay-chan]: The first one and maybe a secret desire for the second one. >.>

2007-11-10 [Easterling]: Desire for the small ball? O_O

2007-11-10 [Teufelsweib]: yeah, I'm also always so jealous of my hamster when he's in his ball =p

2007-11-10 [kay-chan]: Do you kick him down the stairs out of envy? Coz that's BAD thing...

2010-10-17 [pixish]: RAWR! WIKI BOMB!

2010-10-18 [All_Most PUNK]: You've been going through your wiki list, Pix?

2010-10-18 [pixish]: How could you tell? :p
So many good wikis! Also, some that definitely need to be duhleted x)

2010-10-19 [All_Most PUNK]: I followed the crumbs :P

Like which ones?

2010-10-19 [pixish]: I thought the birds would have collected them :)

Like...ones where I uploaded semi nude-ish stuff from my 'needing affirmation & appreciation' stage :p

2010-10-19 [All_Most PUNK]: They are very respectful of us, the crumb detectives.

Ah, yes, those moments.

2010-10-20 [pixish]: Yeh :P
I'd love a 'super delete' button in those cases :p

2010-10-20 [All_Most PUNK]: -
But we wouldn't.

2010-10-20 [pixish]: There are plenty of other nudies on the interwebs :p

2010-10-21 [All_Most PUNK]: It isn't about nudity, but being able to make fun of people we love because we are FASCIST bastards.

2010-10-21 [pixish]: well there are better things to make fun of, I'm sure :P!

2010-10-21 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, so?

2010-10-22 [pixish]: maybe you'd have more fun making fun of those other things :p

2010-10-25 [All_Most PUNK]: I want to have fun with everything :P

2010-10-29 [pixish]: I don't know if that's the same thing

2010-11-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Than what?

2010-11-03 [pixish]: as what? :p

Making fun of things, and having fun with things are different things :3

2010-11-03 [All_Most PUNK]: Oh, well, it was "as" and not "than". Sue me!

2010-11-05 [pixish]: *sues*

2010-11-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Several of them?

2010-11-11 [pixish]: No, it's the verb :p

2010-11-15 [All_Most PUNK]: I was hoping for several Sues...

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